About me


I come from a strong tradition of women practicing the craft of language arts. My grandmother taught reading and writing to children from elementary through high school. My mother is a published novelist. My vocation is assisting writers to beautify their narratives.

Through my mother, I was immersed early in the process of storytelling, editing and publishing. She has been my most important influence in connecting to the power of the written word. Beginning in high school, I sought to strengthen my writing abilities as a medium for seeking and communicating my thoughts and passions. Upon discovering an affinity for understanding world religions, I carried that enthusiasm into college, where I completed a B.A. in religious and ethical studies at Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina. I continued to study religion at Hartford Seminary in Hartford, Connecticut, where I completed an M.A. in religious studies.

In college and graduate school, I honed my skills in writing, research, analysis, and public speaking. I worked in an administrative capacity at the seminary, researching higher education trends and editing webpages. I was honored to have the opportunity to present my research not only at the seminary, but also Hartford area organizations and the 2018 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Toronto.

A special focus for me has been the needs of the disabled population. As a woman on the autism spectrum, I have direct intimate knowledge with the challenges of having a disability. I enjoy discussing and educating on the avenues to further integrate and empower disabled individuals in all sectors of society, including school, workplaces, travel, health care, and religious organizations. This focus feeds into my editing skills by strengthening written works for their accessibility to all readers.

Since graduation, I am excited to expand my career as a copyeditor and public speaker. I currently live in my home state of North Carolina. My other interests include etymology, astronomy, and watching movies.

For more about my experience and education, please see my Curricula Vitae.