Hey everyone! I’m very excited to reveal my new autism-related venture. I am starting to produce content on travel just for autistics! Travel is one of my top interests and passions. I absolutely love to find and explore new places throughout the world. I’ve been very fortunate to have amazing travel opportunities, and I am now using that knowledge and experience to help make travel safe, fun, and adapted to autistic needs.
Traveling can be difficult for anyone, but as with most things, I believe autistics face unique challenges. Autistics can find sudden shifts in routine challenging, which travel almost inevitably involves. Travel also necessitates making plans, finding the right places to eat, sleep, and play, how to communicate in an unfamiliar setting, and preparation for what to do when things go wrong. It can be stressful and nerve-wracking.
I’ll be providing tips on how to make travel a smooth transition, and suggestions for ways to travel in specific contexts. Just a few of the ideas I have are travel in cities, on trains, on planes, in a national park, in a different country, service trips, guest ranches, and many more! If you have any ideas about travel subjects you’d like me to cover, send me an email and I’d be happy to think on it for a future blog post or publication.
Happy travels!